Caden Churcher

Jack Lammin

Thomas Hebden

Our Story My Darling Thomas was born 22nd June 2011 at 4:33am weighing in at 9lbs 11oz! He had a rough start to life, but every day I look at him and think how unbelievably lucky we are. I had never even heard of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia before this day, I had numerous scans and […]
Lexi Garnham

Our little girl Lexi is 2 in May and was born with CDH. After her surgery at 12 hours old we were told she had her stomach, liver, spleen, small and large bowel in her chest and to expect a long recovery and several weeks on a ventilator, but within 48hours she was breathing all […]
Owen Bloomfield

Owen was born on the 23rd July 2009 with left sided cdh, 2 holes in his heart and pulmonary hypertension in his lungs. He was taken over to Yorkhill hospital straight away and eventually a few hours later i got to see my baby boy. We were told that with all 3 conditions his chance […]
Olivia Halford

Our daughter Olivia-Stephanie Halford was born on the 1st of August 2010 with CDH in Womens Birmingham Hospital
Evie Hobkirk

my story is a little different to average, me and my husband went along to our first scan when I was 12 weeks pregnant we both felt very excited, but also a little anxious as would any first time parents when we went into the sonographer room we were told the baby was at higher risk […]
Alvaro Newbold

Alvaro was diagnosed with CDH at 20 weeks in Watford hospital and we were immediately referred to UCHL. During the next 18 weeks we were told he had a very good chance of survival as the Liver was down and the LHR was good. I remember asking the lead specialist his chances and was encouraged […]
Finley Burriss

Finley is our little miracle baby! Experiencing a relatively normal and healthy pregnancy, we had no idea of the battle Finley was to fight when he was born. Nothing was picked up on the scans, even the sizing scans I had at 38 and then 39 weeks due to my bump being smaller then they’d […]
Ciaran Andrew McRobbie

Ciaran was born on March 20th 2008 by emergency C-section after I was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia, weighing a healthy 7lb 4oz. Scans during my pregnancy had shown nothing wrong, so when he was born blue and whisked away for oxygen I assumed it was just down to his birth and he would be back soon. […]