CDH UK funds vital research to help improve outcomes for CDH patients

We are very pleased to be able to announce that CDH UK has agreed to fund the following research projects that have undergone a peer review process by Sparks Children’s Medical Research Charity and will be fund monitored by Great Ormond St Children’s Charity.Building a functional muscle to repair congenital diaphragmatic hernia – Professor Paolo […]
Call out for Research Grant applications goes live!
We are pleased to invite applications for Research Grants from the CDH UK Research Fund via our partner Sparks Children’s Medical Research Charity, as from Friday 1st April 2016 until Wednesday 18th May 2016. Further information can be found along with application details via our Partner link. CDH UK would like to thank all of […]
CDH UK responds to the MBRRACE-UK Confidential Enquiry into CDH at Birmingham NEC
Wednesday 11th December 2014 saw MBRRACE UK launch it’s first confidential enquiry report into CDH to a large audience of clinicians, healthcare workers, public bodies, departments, charities and other agencies. Responses were made by CDH UK, BAPM, BMFMS, BAPS, Quality Assurance/NHS Screening Programme. CDH was the first topic chosen for the project and the report […]
CDH UK to speak at International CDH Conference in Rotterdam
June 28th is CDH Awareness Day Here is what we have going on! ‘WEAR 4 AWARENESS’ – encouraging everyone to wear a CDH Awareness item on CDH Awareness day on CDH UK has been invited to speak at this years CDH conference/workshop in Rotterdam, which has been arranged by Professor Dick Tibboel and colleagues on […]
Please help and sign our e-petition for funding for research!

On 15th My 2012 we launched a campaign requesting Government Funding for research into the cause of CDH. We require 100,000 signatures by this time next year to get this request before the House Of Commons; this is a big call and a lot of signatures. Can we do this? We are certainly going to […]
CDH UK Research Fund

Here at CDH UK we know how important it is to find the cause (or causes), prevention and improved treatment and management of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia and is one of the main aims and objectives of our charity. Research and study in most cases can cost many hundreds of thousands of pounds and it is […]
Can you help with an important study?
We are currently helping researchers with finding participants for ‘The Bracelet Study’. Was your baby a non-survivor and taking part in any NICU clinical trials or were you asked to take part in a trial but declined? if so and you would like to take part in the study please see the link below for further […]