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Orla Kathleen Wilson-Hall

Date Of Birth: 2024-04-27Date Of Passing: 2024-04-27 Orla passed at birth due to left sided congenital diaphragmatic hernia which caused her heart to be displaced leaving her with no lung capacity. She was so loved and missed dearly.

Kayleb – Arthur Barton

Date Of Birth: 2019-02-01Date Of Passing: 2019-02-25 My name is Kayleb I was born with a right and left congenital diaphragmatic hernia I have a big brother called Cameron and I couldn’t wait to meet him but I sadly lost my fight against CDH and passed away peacefully in my mum and dads arms. My […]

Kitty Goodman

Date Of Birth: 2010-02-09Date Of Passing: 2010-02-09 Kitty was diagnosed with CDH at a scan at 22 weeks. After 2 weeks of appointments we were told she had very little chance of survial and we made the heartbreaking decision to have a medical termination. She was so beautiful and we were able to spend some […]

Theodore ‘Teddy’ John Biggs

Date Of Birth: 2023-09-18Date Of Passing: 2023-09-18 Teddy was diagnosed with a severe left side CDH from our 20 week scan. We were treated by Kings College Hospital who offered us the FETO treatment as his chances were so low. The decision wasn’t easy as we understood the risks however we wanted to give him […]

Dexter Bowker

Date Of Birth: 2023-03-11Date Of Passing: 2023-03-09 At our 20 weeks scan it was confirmed that Dexter had severe right sided CDH. With his liver up in the chest and his lungs very undeveloping. At 29 weeks we saw the paediatric nurses who told us that if we went full term it would be to […]


Date Of Birth: 2022-05-01Date Of Passing: 2022-05-09 Evelynn was first diagnosed with CDH at our 17 weeks scan as I was already transferred from my choice of hospital to fetal care at Nottingham queens medical centre as we first though she had down syndrome with the amount of extra fluid was around her neck When […]

Olivia Lennon

Date Of Birth: 2022-07-23Date Of Passing: 2022-07-23 Olivia was diagnosed with a severe congenital diaphragmatic hernia at her 20 week scan. Later in the pregnancy she was also found to have hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Unfortunately we were told that no surgical intervention could be offered and Olivia would be made comfortable after birth until […]