June is CDH Awareness Month and so we are inviting you to take part in an awareness/fundraising campaign that everyone can take part in (even the dog!), that you can fit in with you lifestyle and that gets you up and moving for a great cause! We are asking you to walk, jog or run a marathon in a month (26 miles), which you can do either in the comfort of your own home or in the great outdoors; it is totally up to you! If you have a garden, run around that, if you have a local running track, run around that, walk or jog around your local park or playing fields, run on a main route, or on a treadmill, it really is up to you how, when and where you do it as long as you do it during June and you provide us with evidence that you have completed a Marathon in A Month! It is really simple to participate in and all you need to do is to pay your £15 registration fee ensure you have suitable clothing and footwear for walking, jogging or running in and access to a health app for a PC or mobile to record miles and provide evidence. It would be great especially if completing the Marathon outdoors if you could help raise CDH awareness by wearing Pink and blue or purchase a t-shirt or running vest. If you want to raise more funds for CDH UK, then you will also be sent a sponsor form template upon registation and away you go! You can also send in pictures of yourself clocking up those miles, to raise awareness and inspire others or post them on your social media accounts using the hashtags #Jog4June4CDH and #MarathonInAMonth At the end of June submit your evidence to fundraising@cdhuk.org.uk along with your sponsor forms and details of funds raised. You will receive a medal and certificate once everything has been received and we can be sure you have completed your 26 miles between the 1st and 30th of June. For the person who completes the Marathon in the shortest time, there will be a winners trophy and for the person raising the most amount of money there will be a gold badge (not real gold sadly!) and of course the other benefit is that you will have helped to keep yourself active during June. Find out everything you need to know about CDH by reading our ‘about CDH’ section and make your Jog 4 June 4 CDH a really successful awareness event!To register and set up your own online fundraising page click the link below:
P.S If you are a school that would like to take part, then please contact us about our Jog 4 Juniors!