Cherubs UK
Receipts and Payment Account
For the year ended 7 June 2010
Direct donations 4,212.37
Donations via ‘ My Charity Page’ 1,105.74
Gift Aid 606.35
Bank interest 5.58
Travelling and meeting expenses 688.02
Home to hospital scheme 683.33
Newsletters, stationery and postage 1,342.22
Telephone and internet costs 299.54
Promotional costs 168.15
Sundry expenses- Laptop and software 674.75
Insurance 150.00
Contribution to funeral 500.00
ICO 35.00
2010 ball deposit 100.00
Surplus receipts over payments 1,289.03
Opening funds brought forward 21,262.01
Closing funds carried forward 22,551.04
Represented by
Current bank account balance 7,157.06
30 day notice bank account balance 15,393.98
Cherubs UK
Receipts and Payment Account
For the year ended 7 June 2010