At 19 weeks pregnant we got the CDH diagnosis and we got told it was severe. After weeks of testing and appointments we got told she would be unlikely to survive and I wouldn’t make it to full term. However out daughter proved everyone wrong and at 39 weeks she came into the world screaming and fighting weighing 8lbs 15oz. At first Amelia-Rose was doing absolutely amazing and proved to everyone she was a little fighter. Things then took a nasty turn when she was a week old and we got told she likely won’t make it. She then had a 5 hour operation at 2 weeks old and came through it stronger. As the days passed she continued to fight and slowly they began to lower her medication. Then at 3 months old after an emergency scan we got told she had to have another operation as she had a bowel kink. After spending 3 months in NICU she got moved to peadatrics and I was able to stay with her. At peadatrics they slowly lowered her medication, managed to get her onto feeds and get her off her oxygen. After 4 long months she was finally able to come home and she is doing amazing!
Date Of Birth: 2023-07-19