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At the 20 weeks scan we found out we was having a little princess but soon after that joy and happiness came upset and worry, we were told she had a congenital diaphragmatic hernia, towards the end of my pregnancy they told me Lillie only had 20% chance of living, I had to be induced due to her being small and ended up having an emergency c-section.
Lillie smashed the first few days and got taken for her operation her lungs collapsed on her so they left her stomach open and tried again in two days time. Three weeks later Lillie-Faith was constantly throwing up her milk and did not poo at all, we then found out she had a bowel obstruction, that was repaired and then came the trouble of her feeding and her reflux. She is now 14 months old still has a few problems but is kicking and punching CDH in the butt!!!