Lewis George Best was born 4 weeks early with a undiagnosed CDH at Warrington Hospital.
My birth was quite quick so i was unable to have pain relief so when Lewis was born he wasn’t breathing properly more like hickups. He was whisked of the special baby for check up due to being premature as we thought, but when we arrived to see him he had been sedated with a breathing tube and tubes all over him, we didnt have a clue what was going on. They told us they had done a chest xray as he wasn’t breathing correctly and that i’d had no pain relief and discovered his hernia and gave us the devasting news he only had a 20% chance of surviving and he was waiting to go to Alder Hey for repair. It was really hard to take in as we didn.t have a clue what a CDH was. We had Lewis Christened 3 hours after he was born. The same day Lewis was born Dr Losty (now Professor) was doing his monthly review clinic at Warrington, so he came to see Lewis and us straight away to explain what was happening and what needed to happen. Lewis’s hernia was 2cm and his bowel had come up to his chest moving his heart over and squashing his lungs. Lewis was transferred to Alder Hey the same day and at 3 days old he had his repair done, which was stitched and 3 days later he was off all breathing ventilation too. He slowly recovered and was allowed to transfer to the Special Baby unit back at Warrington aged 3 weeks and came home at 4 weeks – He Is A Miracle !!!
Lewis is now a healthy active boy with mild Asthma and a fantastic goalkeeper – his team have won the league in their division this year so another cup and trophy to add to his collection. Lewis loves his scar and is very proud of it !!
Lewis has been put on a 5 year review with Alder Hey following his chest xray and lung capacity test.
Professor Losty always calls him ” Georgey Best”
Lewis from being born has amazed us and we are so proud of him, he is Our Miracle xx
He is now a big brother to a sister Amelia who is 6 years old .